60 min. (two 25-min. sections and one 10-min. section)
Multiple choice questions (35 min.) and student-written essay (25 min.)
Here's what you'll find in the writing section:
◊ The SAT® begins with an essay. You'll be asked to present and support a point of view on a specific issue. Because you have only 25 minutes, your essay is not expected to be polished—it is meant to be a first draft.
◊ The SAT writing section also includes three types of multiple-choice questions:
Improving sentences (25 questions)
Identifying sentence errors (18 questions)
Improving paragraphs (6 questions)
◊ The multiple-choice sections measure your ability to:
communicate ideas clearly and effectively
improve a piece of writing through revision and editing
recognize and identify sentence-level errors
understand grammatical elements and structures and how they relate to each other in a sentence
recognize correctly formed grammatical structures
clearly express ideas through sentence-combining and use of transitional words and phrases
improve coherence of ideas within and among paragraphs