Date: 03.Mar.2025 - Mon
Time: 6:45 PM


Mathematics Level 1

Mathematics Level 1 is a broad survey test intended for students who have taken three years of college-preparatory mathematics, including two years of algebra and one year of geometry.

Anticipated Skills

You're not expected to have studied every topic on the test, but you should anticipate the following:

◊ Number and Operations

◊ Algebra and Functions

◊ Geometry and Measurement

◊ Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability

Calculator Use

It's NOT necessary to use a calculator to solve every question on the Mathematics Level 1 Subject Test, so it's important to know when and how to use one. For about 50-60 percent of the questions, there's no advantage, perhaps even a disadvantage, to using a calculator. For about 40-50 percent of the questions, a calculator may be useful or necessary.

If you're comfortable with both a scientific and graphing calculator, you should bring a graphing calculator. A graphing calculator may provide an advantage over a scientific calculator on some questions.

Mathematics Level 2

Mathematics Level 2 is a broad survey test intended for students who have taken college-preparatory mathematics for more than three years, including two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and elementary functions (precalculus) and/or trigonometry.

Anticipated Skills

You're not expected to have studied every topic on the test, but you should anticipate the following:

◊ Number and Operations

◊ Algebra and Functions

◊ Geometry and Measurement

◊ Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability


Calculator Use

It's NOT necessary to use a calculator to solve every question on the Mathematics Level 2 Subject Test, so it's important to know when and how to use one. For about 35-40 percent of the questions, there's no advantage, perhaps even a disadvantage, to using a calculator. For about 55-65 percent of the questions, a calculator may be useful or necessary.

If you're comfortable with both a scientific and graphing calculator, you should bring a graphing calculator. A graphing calculator may provide an advantage over a scientific calculator on some questions.


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