Date: 03.Mar.2025 - Mon
Time: 6:36 PM

About SAT

Nearly every college in America accepts the SAT and/or Subject Tests as a part of its admissions process. That's why more than two million students take the SAT every year.

The SAT is a three-hour and 45 minute test. Only three hours and twenty minutes of the test count toward your score-- the experimental section is not scored. There are ten sections in the test.

Section   Type of Questions Length
 Reading (3 sections) 19 Sentence Completions  
  48 Reading Comprehension 
  67 Total Questions 70 minutes
 Writing (3 sections) 49 Grammar 
  1 Essay  
  49 Total Questions + Essay 60 minutes
 Math (3 sections) 44 Multiple-choice 
  10 Grid-ins 
  54 Total Questions 70 minutes
 Experimental Reading, Writing, or Math 25 minutes

Note: The experimental section, which is not scored, can be a reading section, a writing section, or a math section. You won't know which section is experimental. You will know which type of section it is, though, since there will be an extra one of that type. The experimental section of the SAT is often more difficult and confusing than the other parts.


Although time is strictly limited on the SAT, working too quickly can damage your score. Many problems hinge on subtle points, and most require careful reading of the set-up. Because high school can put heavy reading loads on students, many will follow their academic conditioning and read questions quickly, looking only for the gist of what each is asking. Once they have found it, they mark their answer and move on, confident they have answered it correctly. Later, many are startled to discover that they missed questions because they either misread the problems or overlooked subtle points. 


Some questions on the SAT are rather hard. Most test takers should skip these questions.
Often students become obsessed with a particular problem and waste valuable time trying to solve it. To get a top score, learn to cut your losses and move on. All questions are worth the same number of points, regardless of difficulty level. So skip the hardest questions and concentrate on the easy and medium ones. *


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