Date: 03.Mar.2025 - Mon
Time: 6:57 PM


Frequently Asked Questions about the General Test

◊ How do I register for the GRE paper-based General Test?

You can register for the GRE paper-based General Test online or by mail. Paper-based administrations are only offered in areas of the world where computer-based testing is not available.

• Online - Credit card required. Not available in Nigeria.
• Mail - Download and complete the GRE Registration Form (PDF). Mail it with your payment to the address printed on the form. Credit card, money order or certified check only.

◊ What is the price of the General Test?

The General Test is

• US$130 for individuals testing in the United States, U.S. Territories, and Puerto Rico
• US$175 for individuals testing in China (including Hong Kong), Korea, and Taiwan
• US$160 for individuals testing in all other locations

◊ What scores are reported?

Three scores are reported on the General Test:

• a verbal reasoning score reported on a 200-800 score scale, in 10-point increments
• a quantitative reasoning score reported on a 200-800 score scale, in 10-point increments, and
• an analytical writing score reported on a 0-6 score scale, in half-point increments.

◊ My native language is not English. How does the GRE Program recommend that departments interpret my analytical writing score?

If your native language is not English (ESL) and you do not understand the task posed to you, your performance on all three sections of the General Test will be affected. The GRE Program advises score users to consider a variety of pieces of information about ESL applicants, including TOEFL and TWE scores, to determine whether these students would be able to meet the department's requirements.

◊ Are computer-based scores comparable to scores earned on the paper-based test?

Yes. ETS has conducted research studies indicating that these scores are comparable.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Subject Tests

◊ How do I register for a GRE® Subject Test?

You can register for a GRE Subject Test online or by mail:

• Online - Credit card required. Not available in Nigeria.
• Mail - Download and complete the GRE® Registration Form (PDF). Mail it with your payment to the address printed on the form. Credit card, money order or certified check only.
For additional information, view the detailed registration instructions for each registration method.

◊ How do I order additional score reports?

You can order additional score reports by phone or mail.

• Phone - (credit card and touch-tone phone required). Call 1-888-GRE-SCORE from the United States, U.S. territories, and Canada. Call 1-609-771-7290 from all other locations.
• Mail - Download and complete the Additional Score Report Request Form (PDF) or use the form found in the center of the GRE Bulletin. Mail it with your payment to the address on the form.
• Fax - Faxed requests are accepted if you pay by credit card (American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard or VISA). The fax number is 1-610-290-8975.
For additional information, view detailed instructions on how to order additional score reports.

◊ When are the Subject Tests offered?

The Subject Tests are offered in November, December and April. See Test Dates and the Test Center List.

◊ Is a fee waiver available?


◊ Is the registration deadline a postmark date or a receipt date at ETS?

All deadlines are receipt dates at ETS.

◊ How do I correct errors on my ticket or change my score recipients?

Fill out the correction stub attached to your ticket and mail it to ETS—GRE at the address printed on the ticket. You may also make your correction by e-mail. Your request must be received no later than the Friday before the test date for which you are registered.

◊ How can I prepare for a Subject Test?

When you register for a Subject Test, you will be sent a free Subject Test Practice Book. Each book includes one actual Subject Test and answer key, test-taking strategies, and information to help you understand the scoring. You can also download each tests' practice book.

◊ What do I need to take to the test center?

Take your admission ticket, your valid photo ID, three or four sharpened soft-lead (No. 2 or HB) pencils, and a good eraser. Mechanical pencils and pens are not permitted.

◊ How much time should I allow for the test?

Plan to be at the test center up to three and a half hours. Report to the test center no later than 8:30 a.m. If you arrive late, you may not be admitted, and your test fee will be forfeited.

◊ What if I've lost my ID (driver's license, passport, etc.)?

You will not be admitted to the test without a valid photo ID.

◊ If I mark my answer sheet to cancel my score on the day of the test, can I change my mind?

No. Once you cancel your score, it cannot be reinstated.


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